Why We Ride?

In recent years, e-bikes have become increasingly popular across various age groups and demographics in the United States, emerging as a new mode of transportation. But what drives people to choose e-bikes over other transportation options? Let's dive into this topic from the perspective of e-bike users. Let's get started!

1. Health and Fitness

For many, e-bikes offer a way to stay active without the strain that traditional biking can cause. This is particularly true for older adults and those with health conditions. Traditional biking, while excellent for cardiovascular health, can sometimes be too demanding for individuals with joint problems, heart conditions, or other health issues. E-bikes provide the perfect balance of physical activity and assistance, making cycling accessible to a broader audience.

Reddit user oldfrancis mentioned that due to his age and worn-out knees, he chose to ride an e-bike. He said, "For me it's a combination of worn-out knees from spinning the pedals for thousands of miles plus I had a heart attack. So, I'll never be the cyclist I was, and I have to be kind of careful climbing hills, and that is why I built my e-bike."

Similarly, Reddit user Dry-Neck2539 also opted for an e-bike due to health reasons. He has Multiple Sclerosis (MS), which causes fatigue and muscle weakness. E-bikes enable him to ride without getting overly tired, providing a sense of freedom and normalcy that a traditional bike cannot offer. By reducing the physical strain, e-bikes allow riders like Dry-Neck2539 to stay active, manage their symptoms better, and enjoy outdoor activities they might otherwise have to give up.

E-bikes also serve as a low-impact exercise option for those recovering from injuries or surgeries. The ability to control the level of assistance means users can gradually build strength and stamina without risking re-injury. This adaptability makes e-bikes a valuable tool for physical rehabilitation and maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.


2. Commuting Convenience

Commuting can be a significant hassle, especially in congested urban areas and hilly regions. E-bikes offer a convenient and efficient alternative to cars, public transportation, and even traditional bikes. Their hill-climbing ability allows riders to easily navigate small hills, making them a more comfortable and flexible mode of transportation.

User brashwitchcraft mentioned, "I'm in good shape. I spin regularly. My e-bike is a way for me to get around town quickly and easily without wasting gas. It also is a nice way to stretch my legs, even if it's not my primary way to exercise. Though, I do use a fairly low-powered bike (Class 1, and I use minimal assist most of the time). Also, I generally don't want to get all sweaty when riding across town for lunch or whatever."

Catdadesq agrees, "Commuting 13 miles each way in a place that gets very hot and humid in the summer, plus picking up groceries and not wanting to bike back up a hill."

From the experiences of these users, we can see that e-bikes are not only a flexible commuting option but also offer a comfortable ride. The motorized assistance makes riding easier, eliminating the worry of getting sweaty during hot summer days.


3. Environmental Impact

E-bikes present an eco-friendly alternative to traditional vehicles, contributing significantly to reducing carbon emissions and lessening environmental pollution. As awareness of climate change and environmental issues grows, many people are seeking greener transportation options.

eveexmay123, a 24-year-old e-bike user, emphasizes the eco-friendliness of e-bikes, preferring them over cars for commuting. This choice reflects a broader trend among younger generations who are increasingly aware of their carbon footprint and are actively seeking ways to minimize it. E-bikes offer a sustainable mode of transport that aligns with their environmental values.

spinda69 and rjvvir, both cite their anti-car stance as a primary reason for using e-bikes. Living in hilly cities, they find e-bikes to be an efficient way to navigate the terrain without the environmental impact associated with cars. The reduction in reliance on fossil fuels and the consequent decrease in air pollution are significant benefits that resonate with environmentally conscious individuals.

Choosing an e-bike over a car or even a traditional bike for long commutes can have a substantial positive impact on the environment. By opting for e-bikes, individuals can contribute to cleaner air, quieter cities, and a reduction in overall carbon emissions, making a significant step towards a more sustainable future.


4. Cost Efficiency

One of the major draws of e-bikes is their cost efficiency. Compared to the expenses associated with owning and maintaining a car, e-bikes offer significant savings. This aspect is particularly appealing in a time when people are looking for ways to cut down on their daily expenses.

TheLovelyAnne, highlights the cost-efficiency of e-bikes compared to cars. With rising fuel prices, maintenance costs, and insurance premiums, owning a car can be a substantial financial burden. E-bikes, on the other hand, require minimal maintenance, no fuel, and typically have lower upfront costs, making them a more economical choice for many.

Opening_Cartoonist53, notes that the cost of owning an e-bike is mere cents to the dollar compared to a car. This includes not just the initial purchase price but also the ongoing costs of operation. E-bikes have minimal maintenance needs, with most issues being relatively inexpensive to fix. The savings on fuel alone can be substantial over time, making e-bikes an attractive option for budget-conscious individuals.

StarSyth, adds that e-bikes save money by eliminating the need for taxes, MOTs, and insurance costs, all of which are mandatory for car owners. Additionally, the mileage offered by e-bikes, equivalent to about 1000 miles per gallon, makes them extremely cost-effective. This efficiency extends to daily commutes, where the savings on fuel and parking can add up quickly.

Furthermore, e-bikes can reduce the need for public transportation expenses. For those who rely on buses or trains for their daily commute, an e-bike can offer a more flexible and cheaper alternative. The ability to bypass traffic and avoid parking fees adds to the overall cost savings.


5. Extended Mobility and Accessibility

E-bikes significantly enhance mobility, allowing riders to cover longer distances and tackle challenging terrains with ease. This feature is particularly beneficial for those living in hilly areas or who need to carry heavy loads regularly.

CalmDirection8 mentioned, "Gravel cycling, pedal assist lets me do the trails I used to do when I was young and see places deep in the forest that I couldn't hike to." E-bikes thus extend the range and accessibility of outdoor activities for enthusiasts of all ages.


6. Practicality for Family and Cargo

LittleBillHardwood finds e-bikes invaluable for hauling his kids around. He says, "My kids got too big to haul conveniently on a standard cargo bike anymore." Feralest_Baby also uses an e-bike to take her kids to school and run errands, reducing her need for a car and improving her fitness over time.

Cargo e-bikes are not only great for carrying heavy loads but also for transporting children to and from school. They offer families a convenient way to explore new adventures together, from camping and picnicking to various other outdoor activities.


E-bikes are transforming the way people move, offering numerous benefits that cater to various needs and lifestyles. Whether it's for health reasons, commuting efficiency, environmental consciousness, cost savings, extended mobility, practicality for families, or overall quality of life, e-bikes provide a versatile and attractive option. As the popularity of e-bikes continues to grow, it's clear that they are not just a passing trend but a significant shift in how we think about transportation and personal well-being.




Why Ride E-bike



ride an e bike because I am not super fit and it’s so much better than commuting in a car.



anti-car, but live in a hilly city and don’t want to show up sweaty to work.



I ride an Ebike because I am anti-car and my place is 5 kilometers and a large hill away from my job.



Cars are a unnecessary money pit.



 I have MS so get tired easily but the e bikes makes having fun/riding still possible 



Commuting 13 miles each way in a place that gets very hot and humid in the summer, plus picking up groceries and not wanting to bike back up a hill.



I’m 36, have an acoustic hard tail I love. Ride the eMTB because I can go 3x as far without feeling like I’m going to die, and pedal up bike parks around me are way more fun now.



It's a season extender for me. Used to only cycle in fair weather for commuting. Now I'll ride year round. I can wear a heavy coat in the winter and wear my dress shirt and slacks on a hot summer day without needing to change or shower at work.


I also live in a hilly area so it's great for towing my kids in the trailer to the park and farmers market on the weekends.



Great way to commute and not show up to work sweaty and get there twice as fast as a regular bike.



I ride an ebike because it's a fun, cheap and effective way to commute and run errands.



I'm also 43 for ten more days, and these are my reasons as well. Also, it puts me in a good mood, better than riding in a car, sitting and traffic, and finding parking.



I'm in good shape. I spin regularly. My ebike is a way for me to get around town, quickly and easily, without wasting gas. It also is a nice way to stretch my legs, even if it's not my primary way to exercise. Though, I do use a fairly low-powered bike (Class 1, and I use minimal assist most of the time).

Also, I generally don't want to get all sweaty when riding across town for lunch or whatever.




I originally got mine to lose a little bit of weight and just have fun around the neighborhood on pretty days, but when my car broke down and had to go into the shop it came in really handy. 11 miles each way to and from work is a blast, I ended up losing about 20lbs. In the 3 months that they had my car and I road about a thousand miles so far. I have my car back but only drive it on rainy days now.



my kids got too big to haul conveniently on a standard cargo bike anymore.



I ride my ebike to flatten the hills between here and work (or the BBQ place on the weekends).



 gravel cycling, pedal assist lets me do the trails I use to do when I was young and see places deep in the forest that I couldn't hike to



Commuting in the summer months since there is no shower at work. The cooler times of the year I use my regular bike. 




For me it's a combination of worn out knees from from spinning the pedals for thousands of miles plus I had a heart attack.

So, I'll never be the cyclist I was, and I have to be kind of careful climbing hills, and that is why I built my e-bike.

Someone might say I'm cheating and my response would likely be, "me, cheating death? You betcha."




I ride a pedal assist e-bike because it allows me to ride more often and farther without hurting my knees. I can ride over steep overpasses and on windy days.



replaced car and recreation

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